Refashionized 3rd Transnational Partners Meeting

On November 14th, we gathered in Prato, Italy, for our 3rd Transnational Partner Meeting, hosted by the amazing team at Lottozero. This hybrid meeting was packed with progress and innovation!
Here’s what’s new:
Trainer’s Corner is LIVE! We’ve published:
- A bespoke History of Fashion & an interactive Sustainable Fashion Booklets and training materials
- A handy Glossary explaining all complex terms of sustainable fashion
- A Training Methodology for trainers and youth workers
- A Practical Toolkit escribing upcycling fashion techniques
Pilot training sessions are underway! Trainers, educators, and youth workers will be sharing with us feedback on the Refashionized training activities and resources.
We’re also hard at work on the Refashionized Online Course and Game —set to be ready for testing next year!
Let’s keep driving change through creativity, sustainability, and upcycling! Stay tuned for more updates as we reshape the future of fashion.