Fashion Evolution towards Sustainability
Through fashion we can communicate who we are and express our style and taste. For young people, especially teenagers, fashion is primarily a social statement. It is a means of expression towards their peers and society but besides that it is also a tool for creativity, imagination and exploration (Vänskä, 2022). Fashion mirrors the directions and developments of a society and its role is to introduce new attitudes and beliefs into society by the rapid transmission of ideas or trends and their assimilation by the whole. Although fashion has brought about positive changes on many different levels, it has at the same time many negative consequences. Fashion is a $2.4 trillion global industry – it is also the second largest polluting industry after aviation and is responsible for 10% of global pollution, according to a 2021 study by Aalto University in Finland leaving a fairly damaging environmental footprint on our planet (Niinimäki et al., 2020).
The fast fashion industry has managed to take the lead in consumer choice offering consumers a sense of high aesthetics at low cost, with millions of consumers shopping daily at well-known chains. But how many people wonder how it is possible to produce clothes so cheaply in mass quantities? The fast fashion industry and its respective factories have found a way, but at a heavy social and environmental cost. To manufacture clothes, the fast fashion industry exports its production activity abroad, to countries with cheap labour, avoiding the somewhat higher, minimum wages that many developed governments apply. In many cases, minors are among the workers, who are often employed for little to no money. According to many researchers, the working conditions in fast fashion factories violate human rights, bordering on exploitation and slavery.
In recent years, it seems that things are changing, as sustainability is a concept that corresponds to every aspect of our daily lives and has well and truly invaded our lives. Sustainable fashion calls on designers and clothing companies to reshape the way they produce their clothes, ensuring better conditions for their workers and choosing sustainable materials and ways of making clothes, while at the same time motivating us ourselves to adopt a more responsible attitude when it comes to buying our clothes and the way we use them in general.
Since the environmental protection and preservation has become a priority in the European Union, and fashion is popular among young people all over Europe, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. from Dresden-Germany in cooperation with the Catwalk Project from Thessaloniki-Greece, KAINOTOMIA from Larissa, Lottozero from Prato-Italy, the Technical University of Valencia, Spain, and Cellock from Nicosia-Cyprus conceived the project “Refashionized – Fashion Evolution towards Sustainability” with the aim of shaping young people’s attitudes and behaviour towards sustainable fashion consumption patterns, stimulating their creativity, entrepreneurial mindset, resourcefulness and proactiveness, and promoting European values and history through learning about the history of fashion in the 20th century and its evolution in the 21st century.
Trainer’s Corner
Learner’s Corner
Fashion Evolution towards Sustainability
Through fashion we can communicate who we are and express our style and taste. For young people, especially teenagers, fashion is primarily a social statement. It is a means of expression towards their peers and society but besides that it is also a tool for creativity, imagination and exploration (Vänskä, 2022). Fashion mirrors the directions and developments of a society and its role is to introduce new attitudes and beliefs into society by the rapid transmission of ideas or trends and their assimilation by the whole. Although fashion has brought about positive changes on many different levels, it has at the same time many negative consequences. Fashion is a $2.4 trillion global industry – it is also the second largest polluting industry after aviation and is responsible for 10% of global pollution, according to a 2021 study by Aalto University in Finland leaving a fairly damaging environmental footprint on our planet (Niinimäki et al., 2020).
The fast fashion industry has managed to take the lead in consumer choice offering consumers a sense of high aesthetics at low cost, with millions of consumers shopping daily at well-known chains. But how many people wonder how it is possible to produce clothes so cheaply in mass quantities? The fast fashion industry and its respective factories have found a way, but at a heavy social and environmental cost. To manufacture clothes, the fast fashion industry exports its production activity abroad, to countries with cheap labour, avoiding the somewhat higher, minimum wages that many developed governments apply. In many cases, minors are among the workers, who are often employed for little to no money. According to many researchers, the working conditions in fast fashion factories violate human rights, bordering on exploitation and slavery.
In recent years, it seems that things are changing, as sustainability is a concept that corresponds to every aspect of our daily lives and has well and truly invaded our lives. Sustainable fashion calls on designers and clothing companies to reshape the way they produce their clothes, ensuring better conditions for their workers and choosing sustainable materials and ways of making clothes, while at the same time motivating us ourselves to adopt a more responsible attitude when it comes to buying our clothes and the way we use them in general.
Since the environmental protection and preservation has become a priority in the European Union, and fashion is popular among young people all over Europe, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. from Dresden-Germany in cooperation with the Catwalk Project from Thessaloniki-Greece, KAINOTOMIA from Larissa, Lottozero from Prato-Italy, the Technical University of Valencia, Spain, and Cellock from Nicosia-Cyprus conceived the project “Refashionized – Fashion Evolution towards Sustainability” with the aim of shaping young people’s attitudes and behaviour towards sustainable fashion consumption patterns, stimulating their creativity, entrepreneurial mindset, resourcefulness and proactiveness, and promoting European values and history through learning about the history of fashion in the 20th century and its evolution in the 21st century.

Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi
EU Programme Manager & Refashionized Project Coordinator
The Project includes the following outputs:
The Trainer’s Corner is designed for teachers, youth workers, and trainers, offering a comprehensive range of learning and training resources. It provides knowledge about key eras in fashion history, along with relevant educational materials such as PowerPoint presentations and lesson plans with activities. Trainers can use these resources to successfully deliver theoretical sessions on fashion history to their target groups. The focus is on highlighting the environmental impact of today’s fashion industry and offering a methodology guide for teaching sustainable fashion.
- The History of Fashion Booklet features 10 engaging units that explore the evolution of fashion, from prehistory to the 21st century. It presents how fashion has served as a tool for self-expression and reflects societal changes by utilizing the PESTEL framework (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) for analysis.
Each unit is accompanied by training materials, including a PowerPoint presentation, a workshop plan with interactive activities, and additional resources. A comprehensive methodology is also provided to support youth workers, trainers, and educators interested in pursuing non-formal education in fashion history. - The Sustainable Fashion and training materialsconsists of 5 units focused on the environmental and social impact of the fashion industry today, as well as the protective measures currently being implemented and the measures and policies that should be followed in the near future.
Each unit is accompanied by training materials, including a PowerPoint presentation, a workshop plan with interactive exercises, additional resources, and inspiring real-life success stories. - The Glossary of the Sustainable Fashion Booklet provides clear and simple explanations of key terms and concepts in sustainable fashion. Designed as a complementary resource to the booklet’s units, it serves as a valuable tool for trainers, educators, and enthusiasts. Together, the glossary and the units content work seamlessly to inspire readers to actively contribute to a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion.
- The Methodology The methodology provides clear guidelines for utilising the resources developed within the framework of the Refashionized project to raise awareness of sustainable fashion and fashion history while enhancing the learning experience for participants. Its purpose is to empower facilitators, trainers, and educators by clarifying strategies and activities that foster effective learning and help achieve established objectives.
- This Practical Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance on garment upcycling, offering valuable insights into extending the life of clothes, garments and accessories and encouraging more sustainable consumption habits. It highlights the importance of care, repair, and creative repurposing. The toolkit introduces eight simple techniques for transforming your wardrobe, along with useful tips on material selection, application, and engaging historical and fun facts to inspire your creativity.

The Learner’s Corner
is primarily designed for young people who wish to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge on fashion history and sustainable fashion. It will include the following:
- An interactive online course tailored to the needs of learners aged from 16+, focused on the main eras of fashion history and its impact on society, human rights, the global economy and the environment, explaining in a simple way what the ecological footprint of fast fashion is, what conservation measures are currently being implemented, how we can all contribute to the sustainable future of fashion, and what career opportunities are offered by the sustainable fashion industry.
- The Sustainable Fashion Glossary: an interactive tool that can enhance the knowledge of learners in fashion sustainability with guidance on the most pertinent terms surrounding sustainability in fashion: its cultures, materials, production, buying habits and care practices.
- How to Upcycle-Videos: 10 short how-to videos providing easy examples of how to upcycle used fabrics and used clothes and turn them into new pieces of clothing or accessories.
- “How to Create Your Own Portfolio” Guidebook: will provide young people with easy guidelines on how to design, develop and present their fashion portfolio.
- The Sustainale Fashion Game: through gamification techniques, which immerse the user in an online game, showing them the reward to the environment and to the player. The game will have multiple levels, and fact-checked questions on various aspects of sustainability including, design, production, sourcing, waste, dyeing, basically on every aspect of fashion making and wearing.
Through pilot actions and workshops based on non-formal education, peer-learning, digital media, practical sessions, discussions, study-visits, and evaluation meetings on the topics of fashion history and sustainable fashion in Dresden, Larissa, Prato, Thessaloniki, and Valencia, the project aims to encourage our target groups to practice their skills so that they become social innovators, and bring a social impact on their local communities and transferring their knowledge and skills to their peers, colleagues and fellow citizens.
“Sustainable Fashion is not a trend but the future.”