
Lottozero is an international center for textile design, art and culture based in the historical Prato textile district and cluster operating both as a consultancy studio and as a creative hub, divided into a gallery/exhibition area, a shared studio space/coworking and a fully equipped textile lab for production, experimentation and research. It was established in 2014 and is fully active since 2017 with a team of 4 people working full time together with the organisation’s art curator. Our mission is to provide a fertile environment for creativity and an international base for networking in the textile sector. The closeness and relationship to the textile district is the distinguishing feature of the organisation. Lottozero brings talented, motivated, young European designers to Prato and initiates an exchange between traditional textile production companies, by showing them new means for creative innovation, and young designers, by putting them in contact with companies who have the technical know-how necessary to produce their creations.

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